Health Care Assistance

After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Provides wigs, prostheses and mastectomy bras for women with limited financial resources.


Offers financial help for diagnostic work-up, transportation to and from treatment and childcare when a parent is having tests or treatment. Provides information about specific prescription drug assistance programs.

Directory Of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Patient Assistance Programs

Provides information on how to find pharmaceutical manufacturer assistance programs.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Co-Pay Assistance Program

Dealing with cancer is hard enough without having to worry about its financial burden. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Co-Pay Assistance Program helps you pay your insurance premiums and meet co-pay obligations. We’ll also help you find additional sources of financial help.

LLS’s Co-Pay Assistance Program offers financial help toward:

  • Cancer treatment-related co-pays
  • Private health insurance premiums
  • Private insurance co-pay obligations
  • Medicare Part B, Medicare Plan D, Medicare Supplementary Health Insurance and Medicare Advantage premium or co-pay obligations

For more information about this program and to apply please visit or call (877) 557-2672.

Susan G. Komen For The Cure®

Provides information on free or low-cost mammograms and other sources of financial assistance.

Find Resources

Looking for local or national survivorship organizations or support groups near you? Our resources are always available here to access whenever you need, conference time or not.